This beginning of the week we would like to give you a little peace of mind through this information; this time we will talk about apocryphal emails and tax phishing.

Phishing is a term created in the early 90s that describes the activities of the attempt to subtract sensitive information, through the use of different techniques, however according to Wikiipedia;

Most phishing methods use manipulation in email design to make a link look like a legitimate route to the organization by which the impostor is passed. URLs manipulated, or the use of subdomains, are tricks commonly used by phishers

They also rely on the use of digital files containing computer viruses to compromise the security of their equipment and information.

However now, a modality of these techniques have included the SAT and SHCP as identities through which they harass the public.

So if you get mail like this, we have prepared a quick action guide.


Step number one

Calm this is an apocryphal email, how do we know?

The SAT set NOT to attach files or unsolicited links, in its communication with the contributing public. Simply delete the mail and move on with your day. We recommend not downloading the information to avoid being a victim of phishing.

– Still not convinced? –

We have some additional steps that you may want to review.

Step numbers

In case you have not done so in Step 1, make sure your antivirus program is up to date and warn the sender of the message. There you can confirm that indeed, the message is false.

Step number three

Contact your accountant, accounting team or directly to the Administration Service in their different media contacts to confirm what you already know, that was an apocryphal email.

Remember that with our service, you can have the peace of mind of having the support of a whole team of professionals at your service since, if it happens, we will keep in direct contact with you.

Now you’re ready to go, you can enjoy the start of the week, with less worry.