Despacho Contable de Xalapa, with address on Jesus Reyes Heroles street #316 Int. 707, colony Obrero Campesina, Xalapa city, zip code 91020, on Veracruz state, México and with website, is responsible for the use and protection of your personal information, and on this matter, we inform you the following:
For what purpose will we use your personal data?
Personal data that we gather about you will be used for the following purposes needed for the service you are requesting:
Supplying products and services required by you
- Completing agreements and obligations contracted with our clients
In addition, we will use your personal information for these secondary purposes that are not necessary for the service requested, but they will allow and facilitate giving you a better attention:
Inform about changes, new products or new services that are related to the service formerly requested by the client
- Evaluate the quality of our service
In case you do not wish that your personal data is use for this purpose, please state it in the following section:
I do not consent that my personal data is used for the following purposes:
[ ] Inform about changes, new products or new services that are related to the service initially requested by the client
[ ] Evaluate the quality of our service
Not authorizing the use of your personal data for these end will not be a motive to deny services and products that you requested with us.
What personal data will we use for this purpose?
For the purposes formerly described on the privacy notice we will use the following personal data:
Identification data
Contact data
- Work related data
How can you access, correct or cancel your personal data, or even deny its use?
You have the right to know wich personal data we have from you, what is that information used for and its terms of use (Access). It is also your right to request the correction of your information in case it is outdated, incorrect or incomplete (Rectification). You can request its deletion off of our records or database whenever you consider it is not being properly used (Cancellation); also, you can oppose the use of your data in any specific purpose (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights.
To exercise any of these ARCO rights, you must fill the corresponding form through the following email:
In relation to the procedure and requirements to exercise your ARCO rights, we inform you of the following:
a) Through wich means can the data subject or a representative credit his or her identity?
National identity document (in Mexico: IFE or INE), passport, professional license (Cédula Profesional).
b) What must contain my information and/or documentation request?
Proof of identity document, email or phone so we can contact you with the resolution to your request. Also, the document must have a clear and precise description of the personal data on which you want to exercise any of the ARCO rights and any other document that may facilitate the process of selecting your personal data.
c) How long would it take us to give you a response?
A period of 20 business days at the most.
d) Through which means will we communicate the resolution to your request?
Phone and/or email address that you previously indicated.
e) Through which means can you reproduce the data you solicited?
Printed, electrónic or digital.
f) We provide the following form or systems to facilitate the exercise of your ARCO rights:
Through our contact form: the subject: ARCO rights exercise.
The contact information of the person or department that will be in charge of the ARCO right request are the following:
Name of the person or department of personal data:
Secure Information DepartmentEmail:
- Telephone: +52 1 (782) 105 9717
You have the right to revoke your consent to use your personal data
You can revoke the consent that you grant us for the use of your personal data. However, it is important that you consider that not in all cases we will be able to comply or terminate the use of your personal data, since it may be possible that by a legal obligation we will be required to keep making use of that personal information. Likewise, you will have to consider that for certain purposes, the revokement of your consent will imply the termination of your relationship with us.
To revoke your consent you need to submit your request to the following:
Email:, or directly to our offices with the required documentation.
Regarding the procedure and requirements to revoke your consent, we inform you:
a) Through wich means can the data subject or a representative credit his or her identity?
National identity document (in Mexico: IFE or INE), passport, professional license (Cédula Profesional).
b) What must contain my information and/or documentation request?
Proof of identity document, email or phone so we can contact you with the resolution to your request. Also, the document must have a clear and precise description of the personal data on which you want to exercise any of the rights mentioned above and any other document that may facilitate the process of selecting your personal data.
c) How long would it take us to give you a response?
A period of 30 business days at the most.
d) Through which means will we communicate the resolution to your request?
Phone and/or email address that you previously indicated
How can I limit the use or dissemination of your personal information?
With the objective that you can limit the use and dissemination of your personal information we can offer the following means:
Through an email to our Secure Information Department at
The use of tracking technologies in our website
We inform you that in our website we make use of cookies, web beacons and other technologies, through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an internet user, as well as offer you a better service and experience when browsing our website. All personal data that we log through these technologies will be used for the following purposes:
To provide our services and products as well as related activities.
The personal data we log from this tracking technologies are as follows:
Identifiers, user name, and passwords of a session.
Preferred language by the user
Region where the user lives
Type of web browser
- Type of operative system
How can you be notified of any changes in our Privacy Notice?
The present Privacy Notice may be modified, changed, or updated derived from new legal requirements; for our own needs of products or services that we offer; for our own privacy practices; for changes in our business model or other causes.
We are committed to keep you informed about changes that this privacy notice may suffer: These modifications will be available to the public through our website
The procedure through which these change or update notifications of the current Privacy Notice will be performed is as follows:
You can acknowledge these changes directly by accessing our website. Also, you will be able to see an announcement in our offices for the next 15 business days after the modification.
Latest update: 06/05/2016