REPSE, outsourcing reform

REPSE, outsourcing reform

We consider it important to mention that with the labor outsourcing reform, a new regulatory framework was established for the provision of specialized services. In this, companies can subcontract specialized services, always verifying that the contractor actually has...
Transfer between own bank accounts

Transfer between own bank accounts

One of the main objectives of the SAT and the Hacienda Pública Federal is to control the income, be they, the collection of an economic gain from the sale or provision of goods or servicesthe perception of wagesbuying and selling of real estate, bonds or property...

CFDI + Carta Porte, merchandise transport

As of June 1, 2021, the use of the complement Carta Porte comes into force, through this document all types of freight transport are related through the CFDI , and by any means of transport within the national territory either via, groundrailroad trackseawayairway or...

RIF, activate the Tax Mailbox, now!

Since 2020 it was defined that the activation or update of the means of contact of the tax mailbox would be mandatory, so that the SAT would have a direct line with the taxpayers. If you are a legal person, you should have it enabled from September 30, 2020; or from...