For the majority of the economically active population, the season to present the annual declaration has arrived: April.
However, due to Miscellaneous Tax Resolution 2022, there are small changes related to retired workers that should be taken into account.
Since, as is well known, those retirees who have income from 2 or more pensions will have the responsibility to present their annual declaration, in accordance with rule 3.11.10 of the 2015 Miscellaneous Tax Resolution.
Similarly, the SAT informs that retirement or pension income is exempt from income tax as long as it does not exceed 43 thousand pesos per month (15 UMAs).
El Servicio de Administración Tributaria informa que los ingresos por jubilaciones, pensiones, haberes de retiro, así como las pensiones vitalicias u otras formas de retiro provenientes de la subcuenta del seguro de retiro o de la subcuenta de retiro, cesantía en edad avanzada y vejez, previstas en la Ley del Seguro Social o las provenientes de la cuenta individual del sistema de ahorro para el retiro prevista en la Ley del ISSSTE, están exentos del Impuesto Sobre la Renta (ISR) hasta por un monto de 1 mil 443.3 pesos diarios o hasta 43 mil 299 pesos al mes, para el ejercicio 2021.
Dicha exención se aplica sobre la totalidad de los ingresos, independientemente de que sean pagados por dos o más patrones.

That is, if you receive more than $43,299 (per month in 2021) pesos, you will pay income tax for the excess income.
Due to the above pensioned taxpayer, we invite you to review your current status with your trusted accountant to avoid breaches of your responsibilities that could impact fines and surcharges. For our part, in the Despacho Contable de Xalapa we are at your service to serve you especially in this period of annual declaration.