The economic ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic will continue for several months, in different parts of the country there are different strategies to manage risk, as well as to reactivate the economy.
Today, we want to extend the strategy published by the Government of Veracruz, our state of origin.

In the agreement of the Official Gazette No. Ext. 436 dated October 30, 2020, proposes to grant up to 9,500 temporary supports to unemployed people, in order to contribute to the economic reactivation, through the improvement of public spaces and service to the community.
The regions that the strategy will comprise are the following:

The strategy mentions that they will summon seventy-two people to support the 6 Regional Units of SNEVER, on the date of November 11, 2020, they will announce the results of these; and for the rest of the beneficiaries, the results will be announced on November 25, 2020.
Regarding financial support, they will be granted according to the type of benefit, classified as follows:
Benefit type | Required schooling | Monthly support |
Chief coordinator | Completed or truncated degree. | $6,000.00 (MXN) |
Sub-coordinator | Completed high school or equivalent | $5,000.00 (MXN) |
Brigadista | No schooling | $4,000.00 (MXN) |
The payment of the support of the strategy will be made in due fortnight and by electronic transfer.
Among the activities proposed by the strategy regarding the type of benefit are the following:
Chief coordinator
Coordinate weekly with the Participating Secretariats and with the Regional Coordinator of the SNEVER Operational Unit, as appropriate, to report the progress of the activities carried out by the brigade members and others that the Participating Secretariats consider necessary to implement.
Supervise the activities carried out by the brigade members, carry out the roll call of included at the beginning and at the end of the schedule by the Secretariat that coordinates it, report weekly the activities carried out by the brigade members to the general coordinator of their municipality and the others that the Participating Secretariats consider necessary to implement.
Dismantling, cleaning of minor drainage works (gutters, sinks and sewers), cleaning of signs and safety devices, cleaning of crown shoulders, recovery and cleaning of protected green and natural areas, removal of brush and waste, cleaning of beaches, fire prevention activities (fire breaks and forest pruning), compost production, reforestation in areas prone to landslides, plant production and maintenance activities in state-run nurseries, planting various types of vegetables, land preparation, irrigation of plants, compost and plant care, management of trees and green areas, as well as others that are considered necessary to implement.
The start of the activities of the beneficiaries will be as follows:
- Seventy-two will begin the second fortnight of November 2020 and will conclude the first of January 2021.
- The remainder will begin the first fortnight of December 2020 and will conclude the second of January 2021.
The results of the beneficiaries of the Strategy will be made known through the website
on the official pages of the participating Secretariats, by phone call, email and lists that are posted in the Regional Units of SNEVER.
The main requirements to be a candidate for this support are the following:
- Being an unemployed person (Person who, for reasons beyond their control, leaves or has separated from their employment temporarily or permanently as a result of the health emergency caused by the SARS-CoV2 virus (COVID-19)) in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave and who are not beneficiaries of any federal, state or municipal program.
- People must be of legal age.
- Valid official identification (credential to vote, professional identification card or National Military Service card).
- Commitment letter under protest to tell the truth where you state that you lost your job in the framework of the health emergency generated by the SARS-CoV2 virus (COVID-19) or that you are unemployed (Annex I)
- Proof of the last degree of studies, in the case of people who apply for general coordinator and sub-coordinator.
- Proof of address (valid for no more than 3 months).
- Application form for your SNE01 registration (Annex II).
- Document issued by the banking institution that contains the 18-digit interbank CLABE number.
- The public servants responsible for attending the requests for incorporation to the Strategy and for operating it, in no case may request additional documents or proceed differently from what is established in these Guidelines and other applicable provisions.
- The application process is free and does not create the right to obtain the benefit
Rights and obligations
- Be informed if you have been accepted as a beneficiary.
- Be treated with respect.
- Receive the economic support of the Strategy in a timely manner.
- Provide accurate and sufficient information to SNEVER staff.
- The documents presented must meet the legal conditions and be in force at the time of their presentation.
- Present themselves to carry out their assigned activities on the days and times established by the participating Secretariats of the Strategy.
- Wear a mask at all times.
- Respect the healthy distance measures dictated by the State Secretary of Health.
- Give a dignified and respectful treatment to citizens and other beneficiaries.
As expected, the economic recovery will be slow, and will have its challenges, however we consider that the investment focused on mitigating the damage in the affected population and simultaneously favoring the reactivation of economic activities and infrastructure, will be key in generating the inertia directed towards a recovery.
We invite you to stay informed of the different strategies that your local government could promote, on our part you can count on us to continue offering a quality service with a attention on details up to the challenges of this pandemic.