One of the main objectives of the SAT and the Hacienda Pública Federal is to control the income, be they,

  • the collection of an economic gain from the sale or provision of goods or services
  • the perception of wages
  • buying and selling of real estate, bonds or property titles
  • investment financial transactions and operations
  • por mencionar algunas de una extensa lista de operaciones.

Therefore, it oversees all financial operations between individuals, private entities, government institutions, which are protected under the law and the government at its different levels, municipal, state and federal.

The issue comes up given that at the end of last year the transfer between own accounts was defined in a remote session by the Tribunal Federal de Justicia Administrativa, where previously by law all income was treated as taxable income including transfers between accounts of the same individual, leaving open the possibility of falling into a double taxation for said amounts.

In March 2020, the Tribunal Federal de Justicia Administrativa (TFJA) published the issue in its 49th magazine, corresponding to December 2020.


…si la parte actora impugna la determinación presuntiva efectuada por la autoridad fiscalizadora en términos del artículo 59, fracción III del Código Fiscal de la Federación, la cual se refiere a depósitos registrados en sus cuentas bancarias, aduciendo que los mismos constituyen un traspaso entre sus cuentas propias, entonces es ella quien se encuentra obligada a aportar la documentación idónea (…) a efecto de demostrar que dichos depósitos y registros contables provienen de un concepto distinto al determinado por la autoridad fiscal y adicionalmente ofrecer la prueba pericial contable…

Code VIII-P-2aS-679

Where the mentioned documentation can be,

  • account statements
  • work paper
  • copy of the receipt specifying the amount and the account where the deposit comes from as well as the form of payment
  • check number
  • transfer report
  • number and name of the bank account opened in your name where the deposit output is displayed
  • origin of the deposited amount
  • among other

So that you can demonstrate that these amounts do not correspond to a taxable concept, but rather to a transfer between your own accounts, since there is no increase in your income or equity.

Therefore, despite the fact that the tax authority by law must always seek to control declared income and investigate those that are not, it is important to note that the transfer between own accounts is not a cause for taxation.

Therefore, we invite you to keep an order, control and monitoring of your operations in financial matters, so that if you need to check operations between your own accounts and thus avoid overcharging your tax payment, you have the corresponding documentation.

The Despacho Contable de Xalapa has a follow-up, update and advice as part of a comprehensive accounting service, which will provide you with fiscal peace of mind, whether in transfers between your own accounts or the extensive accounting-tax legislation in which you pay taxes.